自然语言处理和推荐系统相结合。我的博导是Jeffrey Chan 副教授
和 Mark Sanderson 教授。
在这个课题中,我创建了一个多模态实体链接模型(multi-modal entity linker)。这个模型可以自动识别自然语言指令中所提及的目标物体。
在完成了我的毕业设计后,我又在墨尔本大学继续进行了一个月的助理研究员工作。我参与的课题名为 Humanoid robotic arm control through verbal commands。
皇家墨尔本理工大学,计算机博士研究生 |
2022年8月 – 2026年7月(预计) |
澳大利亚墨尔本大学 - 信息技术硕士 |
2020年2月 – 2022年7月 |
专业领域 - 人工智能
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 - 商科学士 |
2015年7月 – 2018年7月 |
专业领域 - 会计和信息系统
- 加权平均分: 74.50
- 相关课程: 数据库管理和大数据,商业信息系统,商业系统分析,软件工程基础等。
- 获得成就: 编程科目均分为优异成绩(High Distinction),会计科目均分为优秀(Distinction),软件工程基础(COMP1531)总成绩第二名。
研究性项目 - 多模态实体链接模型,墨尔本大学 |
2021年7月 – 2021年11月 |
- Proposed a multi-modal entity linker that recognises the target and/or receptacle objects within verbal commands
through machine learning, and performs visual-textual entity linking. [GitHub link]
- Performed end-to-end evaluations on the voice-controlled robotic arm control framework.
- Supervised by Dr. Lea
Frermann and Dr.
Adi Tarigoppula.
- Achieved 91 (First Class Honours) in this research project.
推特内容中的谣言检测和分析,墨尔本大学 |
2021年5月 |
- Built a rumour classification model via BERT in PyTorch for detection of rumour tweets.
- Applied the classifier to analyse the characteristics of COVID-related rumours on Twitter.
- Ranked in the top 15% on the leaderboard.
挑战序列游戏(Sequence)中的自动玩家,墨尔本大学 |
2021年5月 |
- Implemented an autonomous agent based on reinforcement learning, which can play in the game
- Ranked in the top 10% in the final competition.
新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)传播模型,墨尔本大学 |
2020年10月 |
- Created an agent-based model in NetLogo to investigate the role of asymptomatic individuals in
spreading COVID-19.
- Designed experiments to explore the effectiveness of isolation for disease control.
- Achieved full marks in this project.
- Developed an Event Management System in Python and HTML that features event creation and
registration for UNSW staff and students.
- Achieved High Distinction in this project.
- Worked on the research project: Humanoid robotic arm control through verbal commands.
- Successfully integrated the Porcupine wake word engine and IBM Watson speech recognition system into the robotic arm control framework,
and integrated the framework with the anthropomorphic robotic limb.
- Controlled and interacted with the humanoid robot for real time control using verbal (natural language) commands.
- Demos of the experiments conducted in the lab environment can be found here.
IT技术支持和商业分析实习生 |
2019年3月 – 2019年5月 |
The Altius Group, 悉尼
- Effectively managed, configured, and troubleshoot a range of IT-related systems.
- Responsibly implemented and administrated database documentation, guidelines, policies, and
- Performed application and hardware configuration deployment and troubleshooting.
地理信息系统数据处理实习生 |
2016年11月 – 2017年2月 |
- Worked effectively in the Big Data team to analyse Geographic Information System (GIS) data by
utilising the ContextCapture software.
- Designed and maintained database architecture, data structures, tables, dictionaries, and naming
conventions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all data master files.
- Performed the operational establishment and preventive maintenance of backups, recovery procedures,
and enforced security and integrity controls.
- 机器学习相关的Python库: Frequently use PyTorch, Keras, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, NumPy, and Pandas.
- 编程语言: Proficient in Python. Confident in JavaScript and Java. Familiar with C, SQL, and NetLogo.
- 商务智能软件: Familiar with SAP Lumir, SAS, and Power BI.
- 在PTE学术英语考试(Pearson Test of English - Academic)中,听、说、读、写四项语言技能的分数均高于79分。分数等同于雅思8.0分。